Senin, 18 April 2011


Kabur di tengah-tengah acara 'belajar Pencling' :P
I can't help it ~ I can't focus until I wish a very very very Happy Birthday for you...
Someone that I adore so much these day, foreverrr and mour ... :D
Thank you for being so dork-that make me find my laughter even on my bad day
Thank you for being so inspiring, thank you for show me the way of having fun, the way of care much without show it in words...
Thank you for being so adorkable !!! :D
Get a happier life okay?
And I wish you read my oh-so-cheesy message in your fan base

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

SNSD Jessica as One of The Volturi

Nggak sampe kepikiran untuk mengubah blog asal-asalan ini jadi bertemakan Korean Pop sih, tapi karena belakangan Kpop adalah hobi saya, I have no idea to write other than Kpop ... :D 

Kemarin di tengah-tengah kuliah Gizi Kesmas yang agak boring saya iseng ngetwit "I'll consider to watch Twilight Saga if SNSD Jessica casted as one of the vampire .." 
Serius loh, Jessica cocok banget jadi vampire! in a good way ... sejak Twilight Saga mengubah image vampire dari sosok serem-penghisap darah-bertaring tajam (pake baju tradisional-tangan ke depan-jalan melompat, kalo versi film China) menjadi sosok putih pucat mirip porselen-dingin-berkilauan-ganteng/cantik banget a la keluarga Cullen. 

The Cullens sukses mengubah image vampire yang tadinya ditakuti jadi diidolakan.
Jujur saya bukan penggemar Twilight Saga, karena ceritanya yang terlalu romance, tapi saya mungkin bakal antusias menanti sekuel terakhir Twilight, Breaking Dawn kalau seandainya SNSD Jessica meranin salah satu tokoh vampire di sini, ahahaha ...

Kenapa saya dari tadi ngotot berharap Jessica jadi vampire? Ini dia alasannya ...

Yup! These are the pictures from Jessica's first runway which held on March 29th, she looks so fierce right? Sooo vampire!
I can't help it but keep imagine as if Jessica will be one of the Volturi from Twilight Saga 
Watch out Dakota Fanning, Jessica may beat you for that role, ahahaha kidding :D